Higher Education Research

I work in a multi-institutional, cross-functional team to pursue practical solutions to issues related to language in higher education.

Since 2021, I have been collaborating with Dr. ZW Taylor on research into language diversity in higher education. Our project has examined the availability of multilingual instructions for admission and financial aid on college and university websites in the US. I worked in tandem with Linda Eguiluz to test AI chatbots on admissions and financial aid websites in our random sample of US public, private, and for-profit universities. We tested to see: 1. if the chatbots could understand Spanish, 2. if they could change to Spanish automatically, or, if not, how complex the process for manual change-of-language was, 3. if the chatbots redirected to a live representative and if that person could speak Spanish, 4. the quality of information provided by AI bots, and whether content on provided links was available in translation. In general we found that not many institutions use chatbots, and those that do rarely offer robust multilingual functionality. Our research highlights the pressing need for additional mulitlingual resources for prospective students as a key method for increasing diversity and access to higher education in the US.

Screenshot of a conversation with a chatbot. The user says 'como preparar la aplicación', the chatbot replies 'he encontrado varios temas que pueden responder a su pregunta' Screenshot of a conversation with a chatbot. The user says 'hola hablas español?'. The bot replies 'Buenos dias, lo siento no hablo español. Nuestra Oficina de Admisiones tiene un representante de habla español.' The user replies 'Está bien, gracias'. The bot replies 'Eres bienvenido. Su número es 315 386 7123. Que tengas un lindo día!' Screenshot of a covnersation with a chatbot. The user says 'hola! Hablan español?' The bot replies 'Hi there'. The user says 'hablas español?' The bot replies 'sorry, I don't have the answer to that. Would you like to contact the office?' Screenshot of a conversation in Facebook messenger. The user says 'habla español?' The representative replies 'Sí! Qué podamos ayudarte?' Perdón por la respuesta tardía, estábamos fuera de la oficina'. The user says 'me podría explicar cómo solicitar financial aid?'. The representative replies 'Sí! Pero, quieres tomar clases en espanõl o en inglés?' THe user replies 'es posible hacer los dos?'

Our team has presented this research at several conferences in the field of higher education research, and the projects have also resulted in two papers, which Dr. Taylor and I co-wrote. In addition, I have collaborated in a more minor capacity in the writing and editing of several additional papers in the realm of higher education language and access. I am also a member of the Center for Higher Education Linguistics and Translation, a mostly volunteer organization wich provides as-needed translation of informational materials (website content, application instructions, etc.) for use by US colleges and universities.